The Honor Code Magazine 2017-2018.
I and my colleague, Tara Thomas, crafted this magazine. Through effective and productive meetings, we came up with the a color pallet that celebrate a year of incredible movements for women. During 2017 and 2018, we have seen many movements, such as #MeToo and Time’s Up, that have profoundly and positively impacted the society, especially for women in America. Thus, since pink is a color that is usually associated for women, we had dedicated the whole color pallet of the magazine for women to celebrate the profound social changes in 2017 and 2018.
Tara was incredible at Adobe InDesign, so she created the layouts, and added the texts and images. I was good at Photoshop, so I created the concept of the cover page, where I cut out the picture and integrate the text, the triangle, and the bouquet into each other.
The bouquet symbolizes unity and diversity because we think that all of us are unique and beautiful in our own ways, just like the flowers, and the bouquet unifies our beauty into a triangle, which represent CSULB because CSULB has a huge pyramid. Hence, the meaning of the bouquet within the triangle is that CSULB, especially the Honors Program, presents unity and diversity.